Human Resource Management

Approach and Policies

Group Policy (Social)

Under the Group Policy, the Group seeks to carry out the “What We Value” Nomura Real Estate Group Action Guideline and works to improve human capital. We will provide human development programs to enhance the qualifications and capabilities of each Group employee and to foster an organizational culture that allows employees to continuously take on the challenge of creating new value and strengthening cooperation within the Group. By doing so, we will bolster the foundation for developing human resources capable of engaging in co-creation.

Nomura Real Estate Group Action Guideline

Client-first approach

We maintain our “client-first” approach as well as our attitude to ensure trust and fulfill expectations, which we have valued since the foundation of the company.

Creating new value based on original ideas

We create new value through free, outside-the-box thinking, placing priority on anticipating future and global perspectives.

Always being a challenger

We always bear in mind that we are a challenger and take on new challenges with humility and ambition.

Acknowledging our growth with society

Ever mindful of our responsibility and pride in creating the future for people and cities, we contribute to society and continue to be a company on which it relies.

Working with vigor and achieving wellness

Recognizing that working with vigor brings growth to both the company and ourselves, we take the utmost care of our mental and physical health.

Nomura Real Estate Development Basic Human Development Policies
・Proactive mid- to long-term human development that provides a focus for careers
・Human development that responds to change over time, fosters innovation, and supports future management
Qualities and Skills Nomura Real Estate Development Looks For
・High level of specialization and execution ・Diverse viewpoints and values ・Broad perspectives
・Business formation skills    ・Organizational management skills



Performance Data*1

Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Total training hours*2 Hours 24,969 20,063 23,855 30,334
Training hours per employee*2 Hours 12.65 9.87 4.21 3.79
Total training expense 10 thousand yen 15,869 14,318 27,155 41,269
Investment in training cost per employee yen 80,393 70,462 47,936 51,612
Return on investment in employee skill development*3 % 2.81 1.56 2.14 1.36
Return on investment of human resources*4 % 10.42 9.17 9.78

Starting with fiscal 2021, figures have been revised from those of Nomura Real Estate Development alone to the entire Group.

Covers only mandatory training and does not include open and selective training or e-learning course.

Calculated using the following formula: Return on investment in employee skill development = Turnover rates/Total training expense (100 million yen).

Return on investment of human resources = (Operating revenue − (Selling and general administrative expenses – Personnel expenses))/Personnel expenses.

Training Performance Data for FY2022

Training Subject Number of training hours Number of attending companies Number of participants
Group-wide training New employees for introductory training 38 6 263
New employees for follow-up training 7 6 251
Employees in their second year 12 7 240
Employees in their third year 14 7 229
Newly promoted managers to core positions*1 23 7 168
Newly promoted senior managers 28 3 33
Newly promoted general managers (management) 82 3 12
Training only provided for Nomura Real Estate Development Employees in their fourth year 7 49
Employees in their fourth year (career design) 7 49
Employees in their fourth year holding section chief positions (career management) 7 19
Professional level 1 positions*2 12 60
Professional level 1 positions (women’s career and life) 12 60
Leaders*3 14 64
Leaders in their second year (career design) 12 46
Leaders in their second year holding section chief positions (career management) 12 21
INSIDES training 2 66
Financial training for employees in their fourth to sixth year 7 107

After 13 years of service (generally)

After 7 years of service (generally)

After 9 years of service (generally)

ESG Data (Social)


Group Personnel Division Meetings Held

The Group holds monthly Group Personnel Division Meetings attended by officers responsible for human resources and managers of human resource divisions of Group companies. Participants exchange information and opinions regarding the personnel system, human development, and each company’s recruitment situation and wellness measures, and they share best practices in order to implement Group-wide measures for improvements to human capital.

Training Framework

In terms of human resource development, the Group has implemented personnel systems and development programs that promote growth. For some rank-specific training programs, according to qualification grade and stage, training is carried out on a Group-wide basis.
Nomura Real Estate Development has established N-COLLEGE, a self-skills development system for employees, which provides programs to study for real estate-related certifications for professionals such as real estate notaries, first-class architects, and certified real estate appraisers, and programs covering general business skills such as those related to nance and language study. In addition, the Residential Development Division provides specialized training and knowledge sharing opportunities regarding product strategies and quality control for technical employees, including Building Knowledge Courses and the PROUD Quality Conference, so that each employee can perform higher level duties and acquire a broad range of knowledge and experience.

Human Resource Development Programs for Career-track Employees (Business Skills)

■Training Programs for Career-track Employees

■Training programs (Specialist Personnel/Particular Specialist Personnel)

■Training Programs (Business Associates)

Incentive from a Long-Term Perspective

The Nomura Real Estate Group introduced ESOP Trust for Granting Stock for employees of Nomura Real Estate Holdings and Group companies from fiscal 2019. The aim is to foster a sense of belonging to, and involvement in the management of the Group among the Group employees so as to enhance their enthusiasm and morale to improve performance and increase share price over the long term. The Group encourages the purchase of treasury stock through this program.

News Release

Fair Evaluations and Remuneration

To ensure equity in working conditions, the Group does not differentiate on the basis of gender the remuneration for employees in the same position, which falls under the “equal pay for equal work” rule in our Human Rights Policy. Moreover, the Group operates fair employee evaluation and remuneration programs by creating mechanisms whereby the opinions of employees can be heard by human resource divisions and supervisors.

Target Management System

The Group introduced a target management system so that employees can take the initiative in their jobs and work with managers and supervisors toward achieving their targets. Every six months, all employees set their own targets with advice from supervisors, and bonuses are paid based on the degree of achievement of those targets. In addition, reviews of the abilities and conducts that serve as the basis for promotions and raises are also conducted regularly to maintain fairness and strengthen employee motivation.

Evaluation of Superiors

Once a year, Nomura Real Estate Development employees complete a questionnaire regarding the skills, performance, personality, etc., of their supervisors and submit the questionnaires to the Human Resources Division.

Fostering a Corporate Culture that Encourages Challenges

Nomura Real Estate Group Awards Presented

The Group has presented the Nomura Real Estate Group Awards every year since 2016 to foster a corporate culture in which employees are willing to tackle the challenges of value creation through innovation, strengthen Group synergy, and raise individual and organizational motivation. Under this program, exceptional businesses, products and services of the year are recognized.

■Major recipients in FY2022

・Project for strengthening the soundness of repair reserve fund accounting through new types of insurance and by other means

・Establishment of resilience certification for a sustainable future

・Shared house and coworking space project TOMORE

Evaluation Criteria

・Reform and innovation   ・Improvement in customer satisfaction
・Group synergy   ・Sustainability   ・Continuity and perseverance

Grand Prize Winning Team

Business Idea Proposal Program

In 2017, the Group launched the Business Idea Proposal Program (commonly called “NEXPLORER” within the Group), which allows all employees to acquire the business skills necessary to develop new businesses and new products and services, conduct research and development in new fields, and propose business ideas. More than 80 business ideas have been proposed so far. TOMORE, which was approved for business in October 2022, is a primary example that was realized through the program. In April 2022, the program was updated as a Group-wide learning space for both new business considerations and human resource development. More than 100 employees have participated every year, including 117 in 2022 and 122 in 2023.

A shared house and office business that offers a new real and virtual space where people work, live, and enjoy time with their friends in an age when more and more people are open to different ways of working.

Click here for details on TOMORE(Japanese text only)
