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Nomura Real Estate Group was established in 1957 with the founding of Nomura Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. We joined large-scale new town development projects to solve housing shortages in Japan, a serious social issue after World War II, and started our history as a real estate developer. Since then, we have strived to create value in accord with changing times, and now engage in a wide range of real estate-related business in Japan and overseas.
Our customers rate us highly, not only for providing excellent products through our residential development business focused on the PROUD series and our original office buildings typified by the PMO series, but also for raising the quality of property and facility management. In the property brokerage and CRE field, we provide not only information, but also solutions aligned to the diverse needs of our customers. Our investment management business aims to establish a value chain model unique to our group while responding to investors’ expectations. Moreover, in recent years we have collaborated with outstanding local partners as we have expanded overseas business, especially in Asia. Based on our Group Vision, “New Value, Real Value,” we have engaged in these business initiatives in the aim of creating new value while working closely with each individual customer.
At the same time, the business environment in which the Group operates is constantly changing and becoming more complex and uncertain due to diversification of lifestyles and values, accelerated digitalization in people’s daily lives, and heightened geopolitical risks. To create a bright future for the earth, all companies, including ours, have a duty to respond to environmental issues. We adopted the Nomura Real Estate Group 2030 Vision, “Be a ‘Life & Time Developer,‘ as never seen before.” to continue providing our customers with excellent products and services suited to the times and achieve high and sustainable profit growth. Guided by this vision, we will respond to rapidly changing times by further evolving and transforming our approaches and methods of value creation so that we can continue to fulfill the expectations of all our stakeholders.
Be a "Life & Time Developer," as never seen before
Nomura Real Estate Group has always connected closely
with customers’ lives and time, through real estate development and real estate-related services.
Now, as we confront various social issues,
as well as diversified lifestyles and values,
we must change ourselves.
To enrich people’s respective lives and every moment of their time,
we will transform ourselves into a “Life & Time Developer”
that creates new, significant values on a global scale.
Based on our Group Vision, “New Value, Real Value,” we will continue to transform and challenge in the aim of realizing our vision for 2030. I look forward to your continuing support.
April 1, 2023
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