Financial Highlights

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Financial results summary

●In the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024, Operating revenue; 734.7 billion yen (up 12.2% YoY); operating profit; 112.1 billion yen (up 12.6% YoY); business profit *1,2; 113.6 billion yen (up 8.1% YoY); ordinary profit; 98.2 billion yen (up 4.4% YoY); and profit attributable to owners of parent; 68.1 billion yen (up 5.6% YoY).

●The forecast for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025*3 are as follows: Operating revenue; 760.0 billion yen; business profit *1,2; 120.0 billion yen; operating profit; 114.0 billion yen; ordinary profit; 102.0 billion yen; and profit attributable to owners of parent; 72.0 billion yen.

●Business profit, operating profit, ordinary profit and profit attributable to owners of parent are expected to reach record high compared to FY24/3.

*1 Business profit = operating profit + share of profit (loss) of entities accounted for using equity method + amortization of intangible assets associated with corporate acquisitions

*2 “gain or loss on sale of equity interest in project companies(SPCs, etc. which are mainly engaged in holding/development of real estate) in the Overseas Business Unit” will be added to the existing definition of business profit.
The change to this definition will be applied from the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025.

*3 The forecast for profits for the fiscal year ending March 2025 was revised in January 2025.

  • Operating Revenue

    on a consolidated basis

  • Business Profit*1

    on a consolidated basis

  • Profit Attributable to Owners of Parent

    on a consolidated basis

  • Total Assets / Net Assets

    on a consolidated basis

(Apr. '19 -Mar. '20)
(Apr. '20 -Mar. '21)
(Apr. '21 -Mar. '22)
(Apr. '22 -Mar. '23)
(Apr. '23 -Mar. '24)
Business Results (million yen)
Operating Revenue 676,495580,660645,049654,735734,715
Operating Profit 81,90576,33391,21099,598112,114
Business Profit(*1) 82,83376,44892,765105,172113,665
Ordinary Profit 73,07765,96582,55794,12198,248
Profit Attributable to Owners of Parent 48,88642,19855,31264,52068,164
Financial Status (million yen)
Total Assets 1,801,2731,921,3062,040,5062,110,6932,251,456
Net Assets 565,120586,350621,398655,737692,440
Interest-bearing Debt 870,0001,008,5001,022,7351,121,5481,192,728
Shareholders' Equity Ratio (%) 30.530.430.331.030.7
Per Share Information (yen)
Basic Earnings per Share 267.21232.53307.81365.26392.29
Net Assets per Share 3,031.153,229.803,478.143,756.304,002.79
Cash Flows (million yen)
Net Cash Provided by (Used in) Operating Activities 56,618(63,504)52,793(42,809)70,878
Net Cash Provided by (Used in) Investing Activities (30,490)(55,789)(46,277)(62,896)(83,638)
Net Cash Provided by (Used in) Financing Activities (66,821)112,376(9,619)65,67539,921
Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of Period 77,61170,62467,79327,77053,811

*1 Business profit = operating profit + share of profit (loss) of entities accounted for using equity method + amortization of intangible assets associated with corporate acquisitions