- Sustainability
- The Nomura Real Estate Group's Stance on Sustainability
- Sustainability Management
Sustainability Management
Sustainability Management and Sustainability Policies and Objectives
In April 2020, the Group established the Sustainability Management Department to strengthen and promote its sustainability activities. In addition, after reviewing the meeting system, we established the Sustainability Committee in April 2020, and it has been chaired by the president and Group CEO of Nomura Real Estate Holdings since April 2021. The committee checks progress on the initiatives for sustainability policies and the objectives and deliberates and makes decisions on activity plans. In fiscal 2022, it mainly discussed revising the Renewable Energy Procurement Policy and the Procurement Guidelines. The results of discussions are reported to the Board of Directors and the Management Committee three times a year before being reflected in management plans and business activities.
The Sustainability Committee met three times in fiscal 2022, while the Sustainability Subcommittee, which was set up to stimulate internal discussion, the Environmental Subcommittee, and the Human Rights Subcommittee had 12 meetings in total. The Sustainability Management Department continues to promote the Group’s sustainability activities and to improve each of them through PDCA cycles.
Group’s Vision of 2050 “Sustainability Policy,” Priority Issues (materiality) for 2030, and KPIs
Reflecting Sustainability and Other Non-Financial Factors in Director Compensation
The Group requires that directors be strongly aware of the importance of adapting to changes in society and the needs of the times in their selection criteria. Since fiscal 2022, the policy for deciding the details of the compensation, etc. for every director, excluding Audit & Supervisory Committee members, has been revised, and performance indicators that pertain to bonuses, which are monetary compensation, and the calculation method for these bonuses has taken non-financial indicators (e.g., sustainability factors) into consideration to raise director awareness of sustainability. For fiscal 2022, the non-financial indicators to be evaluated were the energy performance indicators. These are applicable to the executive officers or above of all Group companies.
Please click here for details on officers’ compensation plan.
- The Nomura Real Estate Group’s Stance on Sustainability
- Climate Change and the Natural Environment
- Society and Employees
- ESG Data