Safety Quality from Design to Management

Approach and Policies

Group Policy (Social)

Under the Group Policy, the Nomura Real Estate Group recognizes that building and infrastructure deterioration and obsolescence, reduced urban functions, and increased natural disasters are important social issues. It contributes to the realization of the safety and security of customers and local communities through the provision of products and services based on appropriate quality management and sustainable urban development.
In addition, we will improve the quality of safety and security from design and construction to operation and management through co-creation, based on the "Nomura Real Estate Group Code of Action" and "Procurement Guidelines, with suppliers and the government and also ensure the safety of Group employees and suppliers at construction sites.



Results Data

Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Residential Development Business Unit:
Compliance with Design and Construction Standards and Quality Manuals*1
% 100 100 100 100
Commercial Real Estate Business Unit:
Compliance with Design and Construction Standards and Quality Manuals*1
% 100 100 100 100
Rate of conformance with Building Management Quality Assessment Guidelines at managed properties*2 % *3 70 87 67
Internal surveys*4 Livability Satisfaction Survey one year after residents take up occupancy of PROUD Average score
(five-point scale)
Rating 3.8 3.8 3.8 4.0
Response rate % 36 31 38 38
Post-contract survey on housing Average score
(five-point scale)
Rating 4.0 4.1 4.0 4.2
Response rate % 27 29 30 28
Post-delivery survey on housing Average score
(five-point scale)
Rating 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.9
Response rate % 33 34 34*5 32
Periodic After-Sales Services Survey Average score
(five-point scale)
Rating 3.8 3.8
Response rate % 51 50
Interior Fair Survey Average score
(five-point scale)
Rating 3.6 3.6
Response rate % 44 41
Furniture Fair Survey Average score
(five-point scale)
Rating 3.5 3.5
Response rate % 32 34
Questionnaires for residents in leased condominiums (PROUD FLAT) Average score
(five-point scale)
Rating 4.2 4.1 4.2 4.0
Response rate % 41 58 39 37
Questionnaires for residents in office buildings (PMO) Average score
(five-point scale)
Rating 4.2 4.3 4.2 4.3
Response rate % 46 28 5 46
External evaluation ranking Nikkei Condominium Brand Questionnaires*6 Rank 1 1 1 1
ORICON Customer Satisfaction Survey on new condominiums Tokyo metropolitan area after-sales follow-up 1 1 1 1
SumaiSurn: Management Company Satisfaction Survey Ranking 1 1 1 1
ORICON Customer Satisfaction Survey on real estate brokerage (Sale: detached housing) 1 1 2 2
Number of Good Design Awards won Properties 12 10 6 6
Count of health promoting senior rental housing for extending healthy lifespans*7 125 382 502 647
Number of CASBEE Wellness Office Evaluation certifications acquired 4 3 3 6
Number of companies that attended Supplier Council Meetings on Health & Safety and Supplier Conferences on Safety 198 12*8 12*8 159
Number of serious violations of relevant safety-related laws and regulations and in-house standards 0 0
Number of serious violations that deviate from laws and regulations in terms of ensuring supplier safety 0 0
Number of violations that resulted in remedial actions and dispositions related to advertising labeling, premiums, and preventing unfair competition*9 0

Specific products include condominiums, detached housing, rental housing, office buildings, retail facilities, logistics facilities, and hotels.

Conformance rate: We extract several properties and conduct a survey on the number of conforming items in the assessment items listed in the guidelines. In fiscal 2020, we significantly increased the number of assessment items and raised conformance to ensure that higher management quality can be maintained and improved based on the revisions of related laws.

In fiscal 2019, the conformance rate survey was not conducted in order to help contain the spread of the COVID-19.

Above results are all disclosed based on a five-point scale.

Prior year data was retroactively adjusted to improve accuracy.

Indicates a first-place ranking given for most of the 10 question items in the questionnaire.

Figures represent the number of properties that started operations each year.

In fiscal 2020 and fiscal 2021, some of the meetings were cancelled or significantly downsized and held online to help contain the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Figures represent detached residence business, the business of Nomura Real Estate Development in the Commercial Real Estate Business Unit, and the Property Brokerage & CRE Business Unit.

ESG Data (Social)


Comply with Design and Construction Standards and Quality Manuals

To ensure the quality of safety and security in building design and construction, the Group has formulated Design and Construction Standards (structures, architecture, equipment, electrical) and Quality Manuals and has established designs and specifications for the series of products developed by the Residential Development Business Unit and the Commercial Real Estate Business Unit. The Standards and Manuals are distributed to suppliers, including design and construction companies and are strictly complied with. The Group also reviews the Standards and Manuals as needed to further improve safety and security.

PROUD Design and Construction Standards (excerpts)

Thorough Quality Control at Construction Sites

Requesting Customers and Partner Companies to Implement thorough Quality Control

The Group has distributed its Procurement Guidelines to more than 4,600 suppliers and partner companies to ensure thorough quality control. Under the “Ensuring and Improving Quality” section of the guidelines, suppliers are requested to establish appropriate quality control and quality assurance systems. In fiscal 2022, we received survey responses from 154 of our top 300 suppliers (around 70% of the total) as key suppliers and engaged directly with ten companies. We will continue to identify supplier risks and take remedial action to ensure consistent quality control throughout the design and construction process.

Nomura Real Estate Group Procurement Guidelines (excerpt from the quality section)

Ensuring and Improving Quality

・Create appropriate quality management and quality assurance systems for the goods, products and services provided, and in addition to ensuring the required quality, work to constantly improve quality.

・Correctly identify diverse needs and endeavor to provide goods and services that are friendly and beneficial to societies seeking safety and quality.

Nomura Real Estate Group Procurement Guidelines

Implementation of Quality Control

Nomura Real Estate Development quality control engineers confirm compliance with the Design and Construction Standards and Quality Manuals and the status and progress of construction in every major phase of construction.
In addition, all accidents and problems that occur at construction sites are reported to quality control personnel and the officer responsible for quality management and architectural design. Information regarding the details and responses are shared at periodic meetings and on the Group intranet, and measures are taken to prevent reoccurrence.

Quality control inspection at a construction site
Quality control inspection at a construction site

Ensuring Safety Quality through Risk Assessment

In our condominium business, we control quality through repeated reviews from the basic planning of buildings to completion. In compliance with laws and regulations, we perform quality control reviews of buildings to ensure they are being constructed correctly, according to the drawings prepared for site conditions, and to ascertain whether any defects may occur after delivery. We also receive feedback from customers through, for example, questionnaires after they have moved in, and we continue to improve product planning and after-sales service for future product development.

Risk Assessment and Countermeasures

Category Overview of Risk Assessment Risk Reduction Measures
Building safety risks
  • ・Natural disasters such as earthquakes and typhoons
  • ・Building structure
  • ・Flooding due to rain, flood, storm surge
  • ・Safety of building use by users (residents)
  • ・Pile and ground improvement work, seismic isolation and vibration control, liquefaction countermeasures, and wind resistance are incorporated into the design in accordance with laws and regulations
  • ・Prepare and design flood control plans based on our own rules
  • ・Include measures against falling from heights, collisions, and being caught in between, etc., based on our own rules
Fire safety risk
  • ・Building materials for interior and exterior
  • ・Fire prevention and extinguishing equipment
  • ・Building plans including evacuation routes
  • ・Select partition walls and interior materials and install automatic fire alarm systems, fire extinguishing systems, and other firefighting equipment in accordance with laws and regulations
  • ・Ensure proper evacuation routes and reflect the installation of guide lights, etc., in the design in accordance with laws and regulations
Environmental health risk
  • ・Indoor air quality (e.g., chemical substances)
  • ・Acoustic performance (e.g., noise) in interior and exterior areas
  • ・Thermal environment (e.g., insulation)
  • ・Select building materials with appropriate chemical substance control measures in accordance with laws and regulations
  • ・Install appropriate materials and equipment to ensure acoustic performance based on our own rules
  • ・Ensure appropriate thermal environment based on our own rules

Enhancing Quality by Acquiring ISO Certifications

To further increase customer satisfaction, the Group has established a quality management system that complies with the international quality standard ISO 9001, and it is promoting the acquisition of certification at Nomura Real Estate Development and Nomura Real Estate Partners, where quality control is particularly important. Employees who have attended internal auditor training at an external organization to periodically conduct internal audits to ensure quality.

External Audits on Quality and Service

Nomura Real Estate Development and Nomura Real Estate Partners, which are ISO 9001 certified, undergo an external audit by a certification body once a year. Audit items include whether the products and services we provide meet customer requirements, including safety standards. These audits help us to ensure the quality and safety of our products and services.
In fiscal 2022, one issue was pointed out, as was another that required improvement, and we analyzed the cause and took corrective action.

ISO 9001 Certification

Certified organizations Scope
Nomura Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. Obtaining feedback and ensuring it is incorporated into the PMO series of office buildings
Nomura Real Estate Partners Co., Ltd. Forty-six properties in the office building segment (planning and provision of comprehensive management services for buildings)
Twenty-two complexes in the condominium segment (treasury/accounting and management services for condominium management associations, including administrative management work, administrator work, and equipment management work, design and provision of repair work, and call center work)
Three properties in the data center segment (facility management, cleaning, and integrated management services)

Note: For information regarding ISO 14001, see the Environmental Management System.

Training on Design and Construction

Both the Residential Development Business Unit and the Commercial Real Estate Business Unit are working hard to improve their skills and procedures to safeguard the quality of safety and security in design and construction.
Passing on skills to the next generation has become a vital issue for ensuring quality with the ongoing aging of the workforce in the construction industry, and Group construction sites are no exception. We are therefore also focusing on securing and training young workers.

Training on Quality Control Technologies

The Group holds the PROUD Quality Conference in the Residential Development Business Unit and the Engineers’ Conference in the Commercial Real Estate Business Unit once a year for sharing and improving quality control technologies. These conferences provide a forum for imparting knowledge and expertise to younger workers by sharing the status of environmental initiatives, fundamentals of quality control, feedback on defects, and advanced case studies.

FY2022 Training on quality control technologies

Training details Frequency Subject employees Number of participants
PROUD Quality Conference Fundamentals of quality control as a business operator (based on the PROUD values) Once a year Residential Development Business Unit and other units 295
Engineers’ Conference Environmental initiatives, feedback on defects, quality manuals Once a year Commercial Real Estate Business Unit and other units Approx. 80

Supporting the Development of First-Class Architects

The Group supports the acquisition of the first-class architect qualification, to ensure safety and security. As of April 1, 2023, Nomura Real Estate Development had 231 employees with first-class architect qualifications, comprising 11.5% of all employees.

Violations Related to Safety Quality

To maintain customer safety by ensuring safe and secure quality in building design and construction, the necessary responses will be implemented rapidly in the event of a violation of the Building Standards Act, Fire Service Act, other applicable laws and regulations, or the quality standards. In fiscal 2022, there were no significant safety-related violations of relevant laws and regulations or internal standards.

Initiatives for Ethical Advertising Practices

The Group conducts appropriate management in each division to ensure the application of ethical advertising practices in accordance with laws and regulations.
In the Residential Development Business Unit, the audit and management of the advertising of each property of our PROUD condominiums and single-family homes are handled in collaboration with the Residential Sales Management Department of the Residential Development Division and relevant housing sales departments and divisions. Audits are conducted under the rules established by the Residential Sales Management Department in accordance with the Real Estate Advertising Code, including the Fair Competition Codes Concerning Indication of Real Estate (Real Estate Codes) and the Fair Competition Code Concerning Restrictions on Premium Offers in the Real Estate Industry (Premium Offers Code). As necessary, we seek confirmation from external professional organizations such as the Real Estate Fair Trade Council. To further promote appropriate advertising displays, our internal rules clearly state specific examples of past inappropriate cases that actually occurred and the measures taken to deal with various situations based on these cases. In addition, we place priority on raising employee awareness, and we regularly hold training sessions for housing sales staff on advertising and labeling to familiarize them with general laws and regulations, including the Copyright Act, portrait rights, Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations, Trademark Act, Antimonopoly Act, Real Estate Code, Premium Offers Code, and internal rules.
In the Commercial Real Estate Business Unit, those in charge of advertising in Commercial Real Estate Business Division I, Commercial Real Estate Business Division II, and the Shibaura Project Division of Nomura Real Estate Development prepare an Advertising Checklist when placing advertisements, which is checked by the person in charge and their supervisor based on the checklist, and is then reviewed by the person in charge of advertising in the Division Management Department. In addition, during an audit, we implement the same initiatives as the Residential Development Business Unit, and we also seek confirmation from external specialized agencies as appropriate. Moreover, employees who have been transferred or mid-career employees who have been assigned to any of these three divisions receive training on advertising as part of their orientation.
In the Property Brokerage & CRE Business Unit, Nomura Real Estate Solutions prepares an Advertisement Checklist when placing advertisements, which is reviewed by both the person in charge and their superior based on the checklist. In addition, in the distribution business within the same business unit, relevant staff disseminate reminders, internal rules, and advertising regulations to sales staff through headquarters meetings, and the headquarters conducts post-ad checks of advertisements by newly appointed managers.
These efforts confirm our commitment to preventing the undermining of customer trust by exaggerated advertisements and non-reporting of adverse facts. In fiscal 2022, there were no cases of remedial actions or disciplinary actions under various laws and regulations concerning advertising practices.

Improving Safety and Security after Sales

The Group is striving to improve the quality of management and expand after-sales services to enhance the quality of safety and security in operation and management.

Compliance with Building Management Quality Assessment Guidelines

The Group formulated Building Management Quality Assessment Guidelines at managed properties. The guidelines contain more than 400 items that pertain to topics such as quality control, legal compliance, and internal audits. In fiscal 2020, the Group significantly increased the number of assessment items to approximately 750 and raised conformance to ensure that higher management quality can be maintained and improved based on the revisions of related laws. In fiscal 2022, a monitoring study was also conducted, and the conformance rate was 67%.

Improving Safety and Security after Sales Convening a quality improvement conference for persons in charge of after-sales service

We hold the National Customer Conference once each year to improve the quality of after-sales service in PROUD condominiums. The conference is attended by about 40 persons responsible for after-sales service from around the country who share information on issues that occurred during the fiscal year, responses to the issues, and roll out examples of measures taken.

National Customer Conference Held
National Customer Conference Held

Products and Services to Provide Safety and Security for New Tenants

To ensure that new tenants feel safe and secure with their purchases, we put significant effort into enhancing our post-sales products and services. Our products incorporate the results of customer satisfaction surveys and feedback from residents obtained through the board of directors of condominium management associations. This is made possible by our system whereby development, sales, and management are integrated, which was born from our corporate culture that encourages collaboration among organizations. In principle, under this system no management services are outsourced, so we are able to gain more opportunities to interact directly with customers, which ultimately enables us to provide products and services that meet their needs.

Services Overview
After-sales services In addition to providing customary after-sales services to repair any defects, we support residents in addressing problems after taking up occupancy, such as after-sales support provided by a condominium life adviser (for one month after taking up occupancy)
Installation of Living Q Call A service providing residents convenient and reliable support to respond to their problems, such as “I have a problem with the condo. What should I do?” Provision of an emergency help service and a daily living support service
NEXT PASS 10 A program that provides a 10-year repair warranty for defects and malfunctions in condominiums, as well as the NEXT PASS 15, which extends the warranty by an additional five years
Repair and warranty services for transactions of existing residences Provision of repair and warranty services to encourage liquidity of existing residences and provide safety and security to customers after a purchase, such as providing repair and replacement warranty for defects in main equipment within one year after purchase of a property

Training on operation and management

The Property & Facility Management Business Unit is working hard to improve the skills and procedures to safeguard the quality of safety and security in operation and management. Nomura Real Estate Partners Co., Ltd., which is in charge of this unit, conducts training for engineers through general meetings, including responses to revisions in laws and regulations, about twice a year, and participants share what they have learned with their own units to prevent any violations. In fiscal 2022, approximately 900 people (teams-based training) participated in the training. In addition, each division within Nomura Real Estate Partners Co., Ltd. conducts its own training programs for young employees and also encourages its employees to acquire related qualifications.

Nomura Real Estate Partners Co., Ltd.: Number of Employees who Acquired Main Qualifications (as of March 31, 2023)

Qualification name Number of persons
Registered architect (first class, second class) 166
Chief electrical engineer (first class, second class, third class) 295
Building operation and management engineer (first class, second class) 224
Electrical work operation and management engineer (first class, second class) 160
Plumbing work operation and management engineer (first class, second class) 200
Civil engineering work operation and management engineer (first class, second class) 30
Landscape gardening work operation and management engineer (first class, second class) 18
Condominium manager 123
Building manager 616
Real estate broker 326
Building sanitation engineer 571
Condominium maintenance and repair engineer 300
Condominium renovation manager 17

Integrated Development, Sales, and Management System

In an effort to provide high-quality products and services and raise customer satisfaction, the Group has integrated development, sales, and management and provides integrated services including land acquisition, architectural design, marketing and sales, and post-occupancy management and after-sales services. The opinions of customers are reflected in business improvements and product planning.

Integrated Development, Sales, and Management System

Communication for Improving Customer Satisfaction

The Group communicates with customers through questionnaires and interviews. The results of questionnaires are used in business improvements and the next generation of products and services.

Disclosure of Information on Safety and Security

With the aim of gaining the understanding of customers regarding building safety and security, the Group has created a website for customers that have signed purchase agreements and posts progress reports on new construction and explanations of the details of major aspects of the construction.

Site for Contract Holders
Site for Contract Holders

Implementation of a Livability Satisfaction Survey and Other Surveys

Every year, the Group conducts the Post-contract Surveys and Post-delivery Surveys in the residential development business as well as a Livability Satisfaction Survey of PROUD condominium residents one year after moving in.

Results of Livability Satisfaction Survey Reflected in Products and Services

The Group investigated improvement measures based on the feedback and requests expressed in the Livability Satisfaction Survey, and several comments relating to design were incorporated into our Design and Construction Standards and Quality Manuals. In fiscal 2022, we received feedback and requests regarding exclusive areas and common areas such as storage, parking lots, and common facilities overall, and we are considering improvements in response.

Carrying out Tenant Company Satisfaction Surveys

Every year, the Group conducts a Tenant Company Satisfaction Survey on its services among tenants of the retail facilities that it owns, in order to expand communication to improve customer satisfaction and comfort. The survey includes questions related to safety management (performance of security and security guards) and the working environment (air conditioning, smoking areas, and restrooms). Survey results are used to consider and implement improvement measures.

Improving Communication to Improve Customer Satisfaction and Comfort

In fiscal 2022, the following questionnaires were conducted.

Residential Development Business Unit
・Livability Satisfaction Survey
・After-Contract Survey
・After-Delivery Survey
・Periodic After-Sales Services Survey
・Interior Fair Survey
・Furniture Fair Survey
・Leased Condominium Residents Survey
Commercial Real Estate Business Unit
・Tenant Company Satisfaction Survey
・Megalos Fitness Club Guest Survey
Property & Facility Management Business Unit
・Condominium Board of Directors Survey
・All-household Questionnaire
Property Brokerage Business Unit
・Customer Survey

Measures Towards Good Design Award

The Group strives to provide socially and environmentally sustainable products and services. As part of this, it undertakes measures encouraged by the Good Design Award*, which leads to improved customer comfort. The Good Design Awards are evaluated from the perspective of whether a design can enrich lives and society.
In fiscal 2022, Nomura Real Estate Development won 6 Good Design Awards, marking the 21st consecutive year in which the Group won Good Design Awards.

The Good Design Award: Japan’s unique comprehensive design evaluation and commendation system, operated by the Japan Institute of Design Promotion. The purpose of the Award is to find and share exemplary design in many spheres with the potential to drive industrial growth and enrich lives.

News Release(Japanese text only)

Design Review Contest

Every year, the Group invites outside architects in residential development to conduct a design review. The architects look over the detached residences completed the previous fiscal year and also conduct a 360-degree review of the design, management, community, and other factors of several representative properties for improving customer satisfaction. In fiscal 2022, we shared construction plans for PROUD Tower Kameido Cross as well as a wide range of case studies, PROUD FLAT (rental condominiums), and PROUD SEASON and other detached houses for sale to effectively incorporate the information into future planning.

PROUD Tower Kameido Cross
PROUD Tower Kameido Cross

Evaluation Points

・Plan and design
・Responses to social and environmental issues
・Community development
・Contribution to the local community

Ensuring the Health and Safety of Workers at Construction Sites

The Group established the Construction Safety and Security Guidelines to prevent accidents and disasters at demolition and new construction sites in the residential development and commercial real estate businesses. Moreover, to ensure the safety of suppliers in accordance with the Procurement Guidelines and Construction Safety and Security Guidelines, the Group obtains a construction plan and a Safety and Security Check Sheet based on the guidelines from construction contractors as its suppliers and confirms that the safety and security of project workers has been adequately safeguarded. The Group is also working to ensure the safety not just of suppliers but also of neighboring residents and local community members by holding construction briefings for construction companies prior to construction, raising awareness of health and safety issues, and performing inspections in major building construction processes.

Outline of the Construction Safety and Security Guidelines

・Prompt reporting duties
・Pre-construction confirmation
・Temporary work plan checks
・Accident prevention measures for demolition work
・Accident prevention measures for heavy machinery work
・Precautions by type of construction work (building frames, finishing work and installation work)
・Safety and Security Check Sheet

Supplier Council Meetings on Health & Safety Held

With the aim of implementing comprehensive safety management systems and raising awareness regarding health and safety, the Group regularly holds Supplier Council Meetings on Health & Safety with business partner companies.

Nomura Real Estate Partners holds the Supplier Council Meetings on Health & Safety

Nomura Real Estate Partners annually holds the East Japan Supplier Council Meetings on Health & Safety and the West Japan Supplier Council Meetings on Health & Safety. In fiscal 2022, 86 companies (92 people) and 73 companies (78 people) attended the meetings, respectively, to report on the results of joint safety patrols and share safety and quality initiatives (note: 183 companies attended these meetings in fiscal 2019).

Violations by Suppliers

In fiscal 2022, with regard to ensuring supplier safety, which is monitored by the Sustainability Committee, there were no significant incidents of violations of laws and regulations.

Initiatives to Promote Barrier Free/Universal Design

In addition to complying with laws and regulations such as the Act on Promotion of Smooth Transportation, etc. of Elderly Persons, Disabled Persons, etc., the Group established barrier free and universal design standards to supplement its Design and Construction Standards and Quality Manuals and complies with these standards at all of its developed properties. The Group has been promoting universal design with the aim of providing products and services that can easily be used by a wide range of individuals irrespective of disabilities or differences in age, body, and language.
Looking ahead, we will further advance our initiatives by involving people with diverse backgrounds, values, and challenges in the design process to provide products and services featuring inclusive designs.

Seven Principles of Universal Design

・Equity: Facilities are equally usable by everyone

・Diversity: Facilities can be used in a variety of ways

・Simplicity: Methods of use are easy to understand

・Perceptible information: Information is easily conveyed

・Safety: Facilities do not pose any risks

・Efficiency: Facilities can be easily used with low physical effort

・Operability: Facilities are easy to operate

Examples of Universal Design
Examples of Universal Design

Encouraging Use of Barrier Free and Quality of Life Guidebook

Nomura Real Estate Group and the Sonoda Lab of Meiji University Graduate School created the Barrier Free and Quality of Life Guidebook under an industry-academia joint research project. The Guidebook is used in condominium design.

Barrier Free and Quality of Life Guidebook (Japanese text only)

Distribution of Resident Manuals for Foreign Residents

The Group distributed English, Chinese, and Korean versions of a Resident Manual for foreign residents to explain rules and etiquette when living in a condominium.

Chinese edition
Korean edition

Initiatives to Promote Health Support Services

The Group is responding to the aging population and rising demand for health care services and supporting good health and the longer healthy lifespans of stakeholders by operating fitness businesses that promote maintenance and improvement of physical functions and by developing health promoting senior rental housing with support services.

Development of OUKAS health promoting senior rental housing with the Aim of Extending Healthy Lifespans

The Group is undertaking development of OUKAS health promoting senior rental housing to “create the best life in the world” for residents and their families by supporting services to further extend healthy senior lifespans.

The OUKAS health promoting senior rental housing is characterized by its (1) highly convenient location within walking distance of commercial and medical facilities for enjoying an independent lifestyle, (2) a building that makes residents feel proud to live in with various common spaces and residential units that enrich residents’ daily lives, and (3) the OUKAS Wellness Program*1, which offers services intended to help residents maintain and improve both physical and mental health. OUKAS health promoting senior rental housing helps residents and their family members enjoy daily life with a sense of security and safety while addressing social concerns (e.g., controlling social security costs and reducing the number of care leavers). As of September 2023, 6 buildings with 833 units have already opened.

Features of OUKAS Wellness Program

・Exercise: A unique exercise program jointly developed with Nomura Real Estate Life & Sports that operate the Megalos sports clubs

・Diet: Well-balanced, delicious meals prepared by nutritionists

・Community: About 50*2 community events per month for residents

・Medical and welfare: Support from staff with experience in medical and nursing care

Won a Good Design Award 2019

FY2018–2019 results

OUKAS Introduction Movie

Promoting Increases in Healthy Lifespan through the Fitness Business

At Megalos sports clubs, the Group is implementing the following initiatives to promote longer, healthier lives for senior citizens.

Initiative Details
REBORNS SCHOOL A school for seniors based on the concept of “Building a healthy body and making friends to enjoy life and sports with vigor for a lifetime” aimed at maintaining a healthy and vigorous body that leads to preventing frailty*, and the seniors enjoy exercise with the same friends and coach every week.
REBORNS FUN A new program developed under the theme of “We want people to regain their healthy, functional and physical youthfulness, and based on that, to improve their basic physical fitness for new challenges, and enjoy life.” The program sets six themes on a month- by-month basis: joint pain prevention, metabolic syndrome, immunity, prevention of falls, prevention of lifestyle-related diseases, and posture, and it is comprised of various exercises suited to each theme.

The decline in physical, mental, and social functioning associated with aging.

Out of the 10 questions in the same survey, this ranked first most often.

Comprehensive Collaboration Agreement Entered into with a Local Government with Regard to Health Promotion

Nomura Real Estate Life & Sports has concluded collaboration agreements with the cities of Tachikawa, Koganei, and Machida in Tokyo. Through these agreements, we operate sports clubs while also engaging in initiatives that contribute primarily to supporting childcare, and the disabled and elderly, as well as promoting community safety and security, culture and sports, revitalizing other communities, and improving civic services.
Specifically, we will conduct community-based activities, such as participating in local sporting events, holding exercise classes for seniors that help prevent the need for nursing care due to frailty, and holding in-house events for citizens.

Acquisition of CASBEE Wellness Office Assessment Certification

To contribute to the maintenance of stakeholder health and comfort, the Group has adopted the policy of acquiring CASBEE Wellness Office Assessment Certification for all newly developed office buildings. This certification program was first established in 2019 to evaluate specifications and performance of buildings, initiatives that support maintenance and improvement of the health and well-being of building users as well as factors contributing to improvement of intellectual productivity and performance regarding safety and security. As of the end of March 2023, 16 properties have acquired certification.
