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Composition Ratio of FY2023 Results by Unit

on a consolidated basis

  • Residential Development
  • Commercial Real Estate
  • Overseas
  • Investment Management
  • Property Brokerage & CRE
  • Property & Facility Management
  • Other

(*) Total figures for the consolidated operating revenue and business profit of each business are different from the total amount shown in the center of each pie chart because the monetary amount for "Adjustments" in the unit information is not included.
The composition ratio of consolidated operating revenue and business profit by each unit are calculated based on a simple total amount.

(*) From the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025, the classification of hotel business has been changed from Commercial Real Estate Business Unit to Residential Development Business Unit. Due to this change, the figures listed for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024 are changed.

Changes in Revenue and Profit

Values of less than one million yen rounded off. (million yen)

Operating Revenue FY2019*1,*2
(Apr. '19 -
Mar. '20)
(Apr. '20 -
Mar. '21)
(Apr. '21 -
Mar. '22)
(Apr. '22 -
Mar. '23)
(Apr. '23 -
Mar. '24)*4
Residential Development 333,966 272,577 309,225 302,480 359,180
Commercial Real Estate 212,133 179,227 202,460 199,309 216,384
Overseas(*3) 2,628 6,770 4,616
Investment Management 12,059 12,456 12,804 13,632 14,356
Property Brokerage & CRE 39,110 39,436 43,762 47,700 49,588
Property & Facility Management 98,274 98,384 99,230 105,474 108,190
Other 1,143 2,070 126 282 280
Adjustments △20,193 △23,492 △25,188 △20,913 △17,882
Total 676,495 580,660 645,049 654,735 734,715
Operating Profit FY2019*1,*2
(Apr. '19 -
Mar. '20)
(Apr. '20 -
Mar. '21)
(Apr. '21 -
Mar. '22)
(Apr. '22 -
Mar. '23)
(Apr. '23 -
Mar. '24)*4
Residential Development 25,351 22,421 32,519 33,323 41,416
Commercial Real Estate 38,941 35,138 38,286 39,231 49,055
Overseas △512 2,414 △1,248
Investment Management 6,853 7,296 7,515 7,796 8,303
Property Brokerage & CRE 9,097 8,962 11,713 13,785 13,444
Property & Facility Management 8,474 9,089 9,114 9,816 10,050
Other △1,267 △798 △199 147 161
Adjustments △5,545 △5,776 △7,227 △6,917 △9,070
Total 81,905 76,333 91,210 99,598 112,114
Business Profit(*5) FY2019*1,*2
(Apr. '19 -
Mar. '20)
(Apr. '20 -
Mar. '21)
(Apr. '21 -
Mar. '22)
(Apr. '22 -
Mar. '23)
(Apr. '23 -
Mar. '24)*4
Residential Development 25,339 22,404 32,550 33,333 41,499
Commercial Real Estate 39,247 35,469 38,590 39,529 49,325
Overseas(*3) 291 7,288 △357
Investment Management 7,149 7,587 7,836 8,089 8,571
Property Brokerage & CRE 9,088 8,976 11,716 13,822 13,447
Property & Facility Management 8,566 9,281 9,205 9,878 10,088
Other △1,012 △1,495 △199 147 161
Adjustments △5,545 △5,776 △7,227 △6,917 △9,070
Total 82,833 76,448 92,765 105,172 113,665

(*1) From the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021, the overseas condominium development and sales business, which had been classified under the Residential Development Business Unit in Nomura Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. and the overseas office and other properties development and leasing business, and ZEN PLAZA CO., LTD., which had been classified under the Commercial Real Estate Business Unit, have been reclassified under the Other.
Due to this change, the results for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020 are classified under the new classification.
(*2) As of April 1, 2020, NREG TOSHIBA BUILDING FACILITIES Co., Ltd., which had been classified under the Commercial Real Estate Business Unit, has been merged with Nomura Real Estate Partners Co., Ltd. which has been classified under the Property & Facility Management Business Unit.
The merger has been carried out with NREG TOSHIBA BUILDING FACILITIES Co., Ltd. being the absorbed company and Nomura Real Estate Partners Co., Ltd. being the surviving company. In line with this change, the results for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020 are based on the changed classification under the new classification of business unit after the merger.
(*3) From the fiscal year ending March 31, 2023, the overseas condominium development and sales business, the overseas office and other properties development and leasing business, and ZEN PLAZA CO., LTD., which had been classified under the Other, have been reclassified under the Overseas Business Unit.
Due to this change, the results for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2022 are classified under the new classification.
(*4) From the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025, the classification of hotel business has been changed from Commercial Real Estate Business Unit to Residential Development Business Unit.
Due to this change, the figures listed for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024 are changed.
(*5) Business profit = Operating profit + Share of profit and loss of entities accounted for using equity method + Amortization expneses of intangible assets associated with corporate acquisition