Dialogue with Stakeholders

Approach and Policies

We serve a wide range of stakeholders through the Group’s products and services, and our mission is to operate the organization sustainably. Our responsibility, therefore, is to achieve the SDGs and resolve social and environmental issues that could pose risks to the Group’s business. We enhance our communication with stakeholders to listen and respond better to requests and expectations from all of them, and we strive to earn their trust toward co-creating shared value.

Overview of Stakeholder Engagement

The Group’s main stakeholders are customers, employees, suppliers, investors, sustainability experts (including experts in socially responsible investment, environmental issues), and NPOs/NGOs (e.g., environmental, community, architecture). We are committed to engaging in good-faith communications and building trusting relationships with them. Opinions received through these interactions are reported to the Sustainability Committee and the Human Resource, Wellness, D&I Committee, which are chaired by the Group CEO.

Major Stakeholders Reasons for Selection
Customers The trust of customers is essential for the Group to promote sustainable business activities. The Group is committed to listening to customers and meeting their expectations.
Employees Employees are the basis of all business activities. The Group recognizes that having employees engage in their work with enthusiasm and in good physical and mental health is a source of growth for the Group’s business activities and for the employees themselves.
Suppliers All of the Group’s business activities are supported by suppliers, and it recognizes the importance of creating healthy and pleasant working environments for all suppliers.
Investors The Group recognizes that the understanding and trust of its shareholders and investors is essential for conducting sustainable business activities. It will promote appropriate information disclosure and communication.
Sustainability experts (e.g., socially responsible investment, environmental issues) The Group recognizes that understanding and grasping social issues and responding to their demands is essential for conducting sustainable business activities. It will seriously consider their opinions and promote responsible corporate activities and appropriate information disclosure.
NPOs and NGOs (on environment, community, architecture, etc.) The Group’s business activities are inseparable from the local communities in which it operates, and it recognizes the importance of ongoing dialogue with NPOs and NGOs to build relationships of trust with local communities.
Means for Dialogue
Main Issues Raised

Explanation of products and services (as needed)

Opinion exchange (as needed)

Questionnaires (12 times a year)※1

Installation of special counters

Revitalize communities and improve the image among residents of neighboring communities

Give consideration to ecosystems and select highly sustainable materials

Revitalization of communities based on the BE UNITED initiative

Acquisition of biodiversity certification

Proactive use of domestic/certified lumber

Incorporation of questionnaire results in operations and services


Interview with the Human Resources Division and supervisors

Labor-management talks (four times a year)※2

Group/Company newsletters (four times a year)※3

Revitalize communities to give rise to new services and businesses

Provide healthcare facilities and comfortable spaces for the growing number of senior citizens

Revitalization of communities based on the BE UNITED initiative

Promotion of barrier free/universal design/Inclusive Design

Reinforcement of business targeting senior citizens


Opinion-sharing on the Procurement Guidelines (once a year)

Safety Conference (once a year)

Safety and security are the foundation of real estate as social infrastructure

Community development initiatives accompanied by health and well-being initiatives

Observance of the Design and Construction Standards and the Quality Manual

Observance of the Building Management Quality Assessment Guidelines

Deeper imprinting of the Procurement Guidelines

Shareholders and Investors

General shareholder meeting (once a year)

IR meeting (401 times a year)※4

ESG meeting (19 times a year)

Reports (once a year)

Safe and secure real estate is a need of society and customers

Develop vibrant communities

Provision of Nomura Real Estate’s facilities for disaster victims

Observance of the Design and Construction Standards and the Quality Manual

Revitalization of communities based on the BE UNITED initiative

Sustainability professionals (e.g., socially responsible investment, environmental issues)


Seek both environmental and economic performance

Nomura Real Estate’s focus on safety and security will further raise corporate value

Enhancement and promotion of the structure and activities for sustainability management

Enhancement of financial and non-financial KPIs

NPOs and NGOs (on environment, community, architecture, etc.)

Opinion exchange


Expecting initiatives for senior citizens’ households to be implemented as the number of senior citizens increases

Environmental impact from building construction and demolition activities is significant

Reinforcement of the business targeting senior citizens

Design development for revitalizing communities

Use of materials with high durability and equally durable methods for new construction, and prolongation of the large-scale repair work cycle

※1 For details, please see Safety Quality from Design to Management.

※2 Number of collective bargaining sessions held for Nomura Real Estate Development.

※3 Number of times the Group’s internal newsletter (booklet) is published.

※4 Excludes conferences organized by securities companies, small meetings, IR fairs for individual investors, and online information sessions.

