Editorial Policy

This website has been created to provide stakeholders with a better understanding of the Nomura Real Estate Group’s approach to, and activities for, sustainability.
In fiscal 2020, the Sustainability Management Department was established with the aim of contributing to the realization of a sustainable society by achieving both social and environmental value and financial returns from a long-term perspective.
Taking into consideration the opinions of stakeholders, the reporting focuses on what the Sustainability Committee has determined are priority issues (materiality): diversity and inclusion, human rights, decarbonization, biodiversity, and circular design. In addition, the contents have been presented in a comprehensive manner by dividing them into the three ESG categories.
We have endeavored to disclose information that meets expectations, giving consideration to international sustainability frameworks and requests from investors and ratings organizations.


Nomura Real Estate Holdings, Inc. and its 21 consolidated subsidiaries
Percentage of operating revenue accounted for by organizations subject to reporting: 99%

Consolidated subsidiaries in the scope of the report:
Nomura Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., Nomura Real Estate Asset Management Co., Ltd., Nomura Real Estate Solutions Co., Ltd., Nomura Real Estate Partners Co., Ltd., Nomura Real Estate Life & Sports Co., Ltd., Nomura Real Estate Heating and Cooling Supply Co., Ltd., Nomura Real Estate Retail Properties Co., Ltd., Nomura Real Estate Wellness Co., Ltd., Nomura Real Estate Hotels Co., Ltd., Nomura Real Estate Amenity Service Co., Ltd., PRIME X Co., Ltd., Musashi Co., Ltd., First Living Assistance Co., Ltd., Lothbury Investment Management Limited, ZEN PLAZA CO., LTD, NOMURA REAL ESTATE ASIA PTE. LTD., NOMURA REAL ESTATE HONG KONG LIMITED, NOMURA REAL ESTATE (THAILAND) CO., LTD., NOMURA REAL ESTATE VIETNAM CO., LTD., Nomura Real Estate Consulting (Beijing) Co., Ltd.

Unless indicated in a footnote or otherwise, the scope of data reported on this website is the organizations subject to reporting, specified above.

Referenced Guidelines

・Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Sustainability Reporting Standard
・ISO 26000, Guidance on Social Responsibility
・Sustainable Accounting Standards Board (SASB)
・Environmental Reporting Guidelines 2018, Ministry of the Environment

Reporting Period

Fiscal 2022 (from April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023)

Certain information on activities before fiscal 2021 and outlooks after fiscal 2023 are also provided.

Reporting Cycle


September 2023

Previous Update

September 2022

Next Update

September 2024

Statements on the Site

  • On this site, Nomura Real Estate Holdings refers to Nomura Real Estate Holdings, Inc., while the Nomura Real Estate Group refers to Nomura Real Estate Holdings, Inc. and its 21 consolidated subsidiaries.
  • This site contains forward-looking statements about the plans, strategies, and performance of Nomura Real Estate Holdings, Inc. and its consolidated subsidiaries. These statements are not historical facts, and they include assumptions and judgments based on the information currently available to us. As such, future activities and results may differ from those mentioned herein.

Contact Information for Inquiries

Nomura Real Estate Holdings, Inc.
Sustainability Management Department

Email: hd-sus@nomura-re.co.jp
