
Group Policy

The Nomura Real Estate Group recognizes that strengthening compliance and promoting both risk management and corporate governance are vital for ensuring business continuity and enhancing corporate value toward creating a sustainable society. The Group also conducts its business activities in a manner that respects the human rights of all people, including customers, local communities, employees, and suppliers.



Nomura Real Estate Holdings has established the Risk Management Committee and Group Legal & Compliance Department to develop and implement a framework for promoting compliance. Regarding risk management, the committee has been designated as the integrated entity for deliberating on various risks related to Group management. It regularly monitors, evaluates, and analyzes the status of major risks, provides necessary guidance and advice to each business unit and Group company, and regularly reports to the Board of Directors.

As for respect for human rights and enhancing supplier management, the Nomura Real Estate Holdings president and Group CEO is responsible for implementing initiatives. In addition, the Sustainability Committee, which comprises Nomura Real Estate Holdings, Group company directors, and others, and is chaired by the Nomura Real Estate Holdings president and Group CEO, deliberates on and decides related policies and action plans. The committee also sets annual targets for these actions and monitors progress.

For details of the compliance promotion framework and risk management structure, refer to the “Management” sections on relevant pages.
