Analyst Coverage

Company Analyst
Goldman Sachs JapanSachiko Okada
Citigroup Global Markets JapanMasashi Miki
Daiwa SecuritiesMamoru Masumiya
Nomura SecuritiesDaisuke Fukushima
Mizuho SecuritiesYoshihiro Hashimoto
Morgan Stanley MUFG SecuritiesToshiyuki Anegawa
CLSA Securities JapanMasahiro Mochizuki
SMBC Nikko SecuritiesJunichi Tazawa
UBS Securities JapanKazufumi Takeuchi

The list of analysts was created in accordance with Nomura Real Estate Holding (NREH)'s objective standards based on the information available at the time of posting. Therefore, please note that other analysts may not have been included in this list and that this list may not completely reflect the latest information or changes. In addition, NREH does not support or endorse any analyst's prospect.
The list is provided solely for the purpose of informing investors of the names of analysts and related brokerage firms that provide analyses and forecasts of NREH performance. It is not intended to induce or recommend the purchase or sale of NREH shares. Analysts are independent of NREH, exercise their own judgment in the analysis of NREH's business performance and activities, and independently forecast NREH's future performance. NREH is not involved in any of such processes.
Furthermore, NREH does not support or endorse the forecasts, opinions, or recommendations provided by these analysts.
Decisions regarding investment should be based solely on the investor's own judgment and responsibility.