- Investors Relations(securities code:3231)
- IR information
- Disclosure Policy
Disclosure Policy
Corporate Policy regarding Timely Disclosure
Nomura Real Estate Group strives to disclose important information to shareholders and investors in a timely, accurate, and fair manner with the goal of fulfilling our social responsibility in accordance with the Group Philosophy and the Group Code of Action.
Internal System for Timely Disclosure
(1) The Collection of Information
The Chief Information Officer (the responsible Corporate Executive in the Corporate Communications Dept.) collects information from the person in charge in each department via the organizational unit in charge of information collection (Corporate Planning Dept.) on a centralized basis. The Chief Information Officer collects group-company information from the person responsible for the handling of information at each group company via the organizational unit in charge of information collection (Corporate Planning Dept.). The Chief Information Officer collects all critical facts via the Chairman of the Risk Management Committee.
(2) Determination of need for Disclosure
Determination of the need for disclosure of information collected through the above-mentioned internal system is initiated with a report of the facts in question from the Chief Information Officer to the Corporate Executive in charge of management at group companies. Upon receipt of said report and where appropriate, the Corporate Executive in charge of the management of group companies promptly organizes an information disclosure examination team consisting of the Managers and Corporate Executives in the relevant departments, and discusses the need for and content of disclosure and reports to the President.
(3) Timely Disclosure
The organizational unit in charge of timely disclosure (Corporate Communications Dept.) discloses information by order of the Chief Information Officer when disclosure is required in accordance with the Timely Disclosure Rules or is determined to be necessary for other reasons. To facilitate timely disclosure, the organizational unit in charge of timely disclosure creates documents to be released and releases the required information upon approval from the Chief Information Officer. Furthermore, NREH complies with the "Fair Disclosure Rules" based on the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, working to provide fair information disclosure.
Monitoring of the Timely Disclosure System
The company has established the group’s audit department as the department that conducts any internal audit work. The group audit department monitors the maintenance operation status related to the timely information disclosure system listed above.
Also, in addition to attending important board meetings, each audit committee member, selected by the audit committee, by listening to reports from directors and reading documents, investigates whether the aforementioned timely information disclosure system is functioning correctly. Under the above system, we strive to improve the accuracy and appropriateness of disclosed information.
Timely Disclosure Structure

Investors Relations
- Management Policy
- IR Library
- Financial Information
- To individual investors
- Stock and Bond Information
- IR information