Group Policy

As a corporate group that connects people, towns and communities to the future, we will realize lifestyles for which diverse backgrounds and values are respected, and will respect people’s dignity and basic human rights throughout our business activities to strengthen our Foundation for Sustainability Promotion and pursue co-creation initiatives that transcend organizations and business models.


The Sustainability Committee, which consists of Nomura Real Estate Holdings and Group company directors and other members, is chaired by the Nomura Real Estate Holdings president and Group CEO. It deliberates and decides policies and action plans focused on sustainability, including priority issues (materiality), and reports to the Board of Directors. It also monitors progress with regard to its targets. In addition, two subordinate organizations have been established under the committee to strengthen the foundations for co-creation. One is the Human Rights Subcommittee, led by the officer in charge of Group Diversity and Inclusion Management as supervisor, and the other is the Human Resource, Wellness, D&I Committee, chaired by the Nomura Real Estate Holdings president and Group CEO.

Human Rights Subcommittee

Consists of multiple sustainability committee members and members from the Group Human Resources Development Department, Group Legal & Compliance Department, and Sustainability Management Department and meets as needed. In fiscal 2022, the committee met four times, and it promotes Group-wide human rights initiatives, such as conducting human rights due diligence and organizing issues to establish a grievance mechanism.

Human Resource, Wellness, D&I Committee

Consists of Nomura Real Estate Holdings and Group company presidents and others and met three times in fiscal 2022. The committee discusses mid- to long-term goals and measures related to promoting occupational health and safety, wellness, work style reforms, the empowerment of women, and utilization and active participation of the Group’s diverse human resources to maintain and improve sound, comfortable workplace environments in which people can work with vigor and achieve wellness, and to enhance efforts for formulating human resource development policies and promoting internal environment development to ensure diversity. The content of the discussions are periodically reported to the Board of Directors.
